The whole song revolves around Spontaneous Combustion and Brandon Boyd "Bursting into flames"
For me, It's about having someone love you no matter what/who you are, what/who you've become. We all have our negative sides. There is always that one person who'll love you and your imperfections.
Actually one of the things I love about incubus is they don't like giving out meanings behind their songs. they wanted their listeners to the ones who give meaning to their songs. But if you ask me, stellar is just plainly about sex. Go ahead and listen to it again and think about it. I promise you'll see what I mean. -i just quoted one of their songs Pantomime
It's "Drive" by Incubus
,Rihanna has a song and video by that name. Incubus has a song by that name. The Hollies had a song called "Bus Stop" that was sometimes referred to as "Under my Umbrella." RIHANNA SANG THE SONG
Drive - Incubus song - was created in 1999-05.
Megalomaniac - Incubus song - was created in 2003-10.
Love Hurts - Incubus song - was created in 2008-10.
Wish You Were Here - Incubus song - was created on 2001-08-21.
"Nice to Know You"
Oil and water
The song is "Drive".
You can listen to the song "Love Hurts" by Incubus by searching for the music video on YouTube. You can also purchase the song from ITunes and listen to it whenever you want.
Talk Shows on Mute
It's from an Incubus song - I Miss You