extermination-y-ish.... i think.
Kishimoto said Kakashi Chronicles would start from the beginning were Kakashi was an Academy Student to Kakashi having the Sharingan.
The longest continuous main street in America is in Belleville,Illinois.
his ex girlfriend is Elissa Burton
Extraterritoriality is the longest word in the English language beginning with "ex."
Another word for dig is excavate.
xenoglossophobic which is the fear of foreign languages
Bellybuttons would be the longest word I can think of beginning with a 'b' and ending in an 's'.
The longest one that -I- know would be ballistocardiograph which is an instrument for detecting body movements caused by heartbeat.
3 letter work beginning with ex
eh, ex, Ed I believe are all words
I remember when people claimed that "antidisestablishmentarianism" was the longest English word, so it may still be the longest one beginning with the letter "a". The longest word in the English language which starts with the letter 'A' is <a class="h2heading h3" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" name="antidisestablishmentarianism.">antidisestablishmentarianism.</a> (See Related links below) antidisestablishmentarianism
No it's incorrect grammar. They should be used after a comma or after a conjunction at the beginning of the sentence. Ex. But, They......
end, stop, finish, ccomplete,ect....... Note: a antonym is the opposite of a word. EX: day:night or happy:sad