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E oops e flat

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Q: What is the letter of a whole note under F?
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How do you play when the saints come marching in on clarinet?

c at da top of the clarinet e at tha top f at tha top e again hold it as a whole note repeat this again then rest c at tha top e at tha top f at tha top hold e as a half note hold e again as a half note c as a half note e as a half note d as a whole note e as a note e again d as a note c as half rest c again as a note e half note g as a note g again g half note f as a half note rest f e f e half note c half note another c half d half the whole note c rest c e f e half note c half note e half note f half note e whole note e rest c

What note is a whole step below F?


What are the notes to the only exception on the clarinet?

If you want the Vocal notes ( the actual lyrics) they are: D#/ E/ F#/ F#/ A/ D#/ D# ( whole note)/ F#/ A/ D#/ C#/ B/ D#/ D#/G#/B/B/ D#/E/F#/F#/E/D# ( whole note)/ D# ( whole note)/D#/F#/E/D#/C#/D#/C#/C/B This will get you to: ...tried to reassemble it. Sorry that I don't know all of it.

What is letter f on the violin?

It could mean many things. F is also a letter place holder for a note on the violin. Ex: F can be 2 on D.

What is a 6 letter word for note closer beginning with f?

A 'footer'.

What is the smallest word beginning with f?

Fa is a noun. It is the 4th note of the music scale. It begins with the letter f.

How do you locate the F flat on the staff?

Write a note (half note, quarter note or a whole note, it doesn't matter which) on any line or space where the "F" note in situated, then put a flat symbol in front of any note which sits on an "F line" or "F space". Just above the first line on the treble clef is where "Middle F" is located, so you'd just write a music note on that space and put the flat sign directly before it. Hope that helps.

Do the Germans use the letter F for the note F-sharp?

The same symbol (♯) is used to indicate that the tone is raised a half-step. For the name of the note, the Suffix "-is" is added (e. g. F → Fis).

What are the 2 whole note scales for alto sax?

You can start the whole tone scale on any note. Say you start on C, then it would be C, D, E, F#, G#, A#, C Those are six different notes that compose one whole tone scale. If you start on C#, then it would be C#, D#, F, G, A, B Those are the other six notes that make up the other whole tone scale. You can start a whole tone scale on any note.

What is C sharp to E sharp?

The E sharp is the F note. The interval between C sharp and F (e sharp) in two whole steps.

Is the jump from the note b to c a semitone or whole tone?

semitone. B to C and E to F are semitones

Fourth note of the scale?

Any major scale follows the same pattern. After the first note is a whole step, then another whole step, then a half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step; therefore, the fourth note of a scale is two and a half steps away from the first note.