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It depends entirely upon what each individual Dr.Who fan finds the scariest monster- it will vary from person to person, there is no set standard scariest one. Some might find The Daleks the scariest, others the Cybermen, the Nimon, or any one of dozens of other monsters.

As a child, I found The Robots of Death the scariest, along with Magnus Greel, the Icelandic warlord from the 51st Century who travelled back to Victorian London with his small robot Mr.Sin, 'The Homunculus of Peking' which had a pig's brain. Greel disguised himself as Weng Chi'ang, an Oriental magician who performed as a conjurer at a local theatre to act as a cover for his real activities in attempting to get back to his own time- which involved the abduction and murder of young girls to use their biochemistry as part of the process.

Tom Baker was The Doctor in this two-part episode; the first sequel ended when his companion Leela (Louise Jamieson) tore off Greel's leather mask, to reveal a hideously deformed and melted face beneath- the result of his DNA having been damaged due to an unprotected backwards flight through time, with no time machine to protect him. That was truly terrifying (I later learnt that napalm has a similar effect on the human body).

But that's just my personal experience- everyone will have a different opinion as to the scariest monster.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Adipose, they are just little blobs of fat.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The most formidable foe for The Doctor has been the Daleks. They seem to be impossible to totally irradicate and have been known to come back to life.

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