it represents the safety that the parents would have given them because without the knife they are helpless and defenseless. Also, both boys want the knife because whoever has it is the strongest out of Ralph and Jack's groups. Whoever has the knife is superior.
There are many different symbolic images inThe Lord of the Flies, but the Lord of the Flies is a symbol himself. Towards the end of the novel when the Lord of the Flies speaks to Simon, is when his true symbolism comes out; the Lord becomes an indication of any type of beast and also a symbol of the power of evil. You could even take this answer as far as saying the Lord of the Flies symbolizes the devil whereas throughout the story, Simon portrays Jesus Christ (Biblical parallelism).Beelzebub, or a satanic/demonic representaion
You need to think about why its important and maybe that will help you find the answer rereading may be an option too
In the lord of the flies the symbol of authority is the pink cream colored conch shell
Lord of the Flies is narrated from a third person viewpioint.
In lord of the flies, ben is a follower of jack...or a choir boy.
Jack has a knife in "Lord of the Flies," which he uses as a symbol of authority and power over the other boys on the island.
He has a knife
a knife
Simon is a symbol of a prophet.
The Conch Represents Democracy, order and civility
Oh, dude, the knife in "Lord of the Flies" is mentioned in Chapter 4. It's like a big deal in the book, you know, symbolizing power and all that deep stuff. So, if you're looking for knife action, head straight to Chapter 4.
He is wearing clay and blood
The littluns in Lord of the Flies are the symbol of commen folk.
The littluns in Lord of the Flies are the symbol of commen folk.
A hunting knife, which he uses to make several wooden spears.
The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority in "Lord of the Flies." The person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, signifying order and democracy among the boys on the island.