Currently, Avatar is the number one film with United States grosses of $760,507,625, but if receipts are adjusted for inflation, Gone With the Wind is the top film of all time.
There are many: Dead Snow, Planet Terror, The Wizard of Gore, and Don't (that is a movie). Also i think that the Texas Chainsaw Masscre series is also very gory!!!!!
1939 Gone with the Wind. With a worldwide gross for 400million, BUT, today that is now 7,000,000,000 dollars (7 billion dollars). Don't think Titanic was good.
what are the lyrics to you made a believer out of me in the movie happily ever after
The highest grossing movie of all time is Titanic, making just over 600 million. However Star Wars made 461 million in 1977, which with the rise in costs over twenty years would probably be more.
Dave Matthews
When inflation is accounted for, "Gone With The Wind" (1939) has made more money than any other film.
I believe it is Hot Shot Photo Pro that is the highest ranking - that's the highest I've ever gotten.
Me and jonny Stewart
Poutine, he's Canadian
The weirdest dumbest grossest word is hobnocker
Harry Potter
that is probably one of the grossest questions i've ever heard.....
the grossest game in the world for consoles is GEARS OF WAR grossest internet game would be THE TORTURE GAME 1,2,3..
As of May 01st 2018, Black Panther is the highest grossing superhero movie in America [& the third highest grossing movie ever]Worldwide box office, The Avengers is the highest grossing superhero movie followed by Avengers Age of Ultron & Black Panther.
The final movie in the series is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two.The movie became the third highest grossing movie ever along with breaking the opening day and weekend records in many parts of the world. It is also the highest grossing movie of 2011 and the ninth ever film to gross over $1 billion.Amazon also declared the DVD as the highest pre-ordered DVD ever.
I don't know. Check out The Titanic and The Dark Knight.