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Verge: British. a narrow strip of turf bordering on a pathway, sidewalk, roadway, etc.

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Q: What is the grass on the road side called?
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Grass grows on the other side of the road?

yes. what's your point

Why do you plant grass along the side of the road?

to keep the rocks on the road and the soil near the road.Also to keep the road in place.

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Patch of grass between curb and sidewalk called?

A road verge is a strip of grass or plants located between a curb and a sidewalk. Other names for a road verge include verge, city grass, hellstrip, nature strip, planting strip, boulevard, parkway, and tree belt.

What is the grass between the curb and sidewalk called?

Grass. They are also called weeds as they are growing where they are not supposed to. Often it is called a "parkway strip." On the other hand sometimes a wide road with median strip is called a parkway but you can't park on it but the strip of concrete into my garage is called driveway but I usually park on it.

Why didn't the chicken cross the road?

The chicken didn't cross the road because...- there was a KFC restaurant on the other side.- it was busy changing a light bulb.- there was no one there to egg it on.- it didn't want to lay it on the line.- it was marching to the beat of a different drumstick.- it didn't want to be chicken pie.- a chicken crossing the road would be a fowl proceeding.- it was too chicken.- one day, he sat down on the side of the road and stared off into the unknown distance. And he realized something. The grass was not greener on the other side. It was beautiful right where he was. Despite what everyone told him, the grass was not greener on the other side.

What is it called when the sound from an automobile horn caused a dog to run to the side of the road?

A stimulus

What is the difference between a Parkway and a highway?

A Parkway is a thoroughfare with side strips planted with grass or trees. A Highway is just a main road between towns and cities

What is a driver's offside?

If a car is driving along a road, (on its correct side of the road for the country) then the side nearest the curb (sidewalk)/edge of the road is called the "near side". By implication, the side nearest the center of the road is then referred to as the "offside". Normally the side on which the driver sits will be the "offside" of the car. However, if the car is left hand drive and driving in a country that drives on the left, then the driver will be on the "near side" while driving in that country.

Can wheat grass therapy cause side effects?

There are no established side effects of wheat grass.

What side of the road do they drive on in the UK?

The left side.

Which side of the road do they drive on in Thailand?

On the left side of the road.