On Deer Isle there is a road on the north side called Reach Road. Dan & Jean lived part way down the road on Reach Haven Lane. The photo for the inside of the 03 album was taken toward the end of Reach Road looking right to an offshore Island. Quite easy to find.
Jean Fogelberg still lives in she and Dan's home on Deer Isle, Maine. Jean sold Dan's Robinhood Cutter sailboat, "Minstrel", this spring 2008 to an unknown buyer.
Prostate Cancer that was caught far too late, at an advanced stage.
Married 3 times, no children
Dan Fogelberg was an American musician who released the 1981 hit, 'Leader of the Band.' He was not related to Lawrence Welk, though his father's first name was Lawrence.
Jean Fogelberg still lives in she and Dan's home on Deer Isle, Maine. Jean sold Dan's Robinhood Cutter sailboat, "Minstrel", this spring 2008 to an unknown buyer.
Dan Fogelberg (born August 13, 1951 in Peoria, Illinois; died December 16, 2007 in Deer Isle, Maine) was an American singer who is best known for his singles "Longer" and "Leader of the Band". Fogelberg died three years after being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Fogelberg lived on Deer Isle, a coastal island very near Bar Harbor, Maine. His song The Reach is about the body of water called Eggemoggin Reach which separates the island from the mainland. In his song The Minstrel he sang of sailing on this reach and mentioned nearby Jehrico Bay.
Dan Fogelberg was born on August 13, 1951.
Dan Fogelberg was born on August 13, 1951.
Dan Fogelberg died on December 16, 2007 at the age of 56.
Stars - Dan Fogelberg song - was created in 1980.
Phoenix - Dan Fogelberg album - was created in 1979-11.
Yes! River of Souls (a tribute band dedicated to the legacy of Dan Fogelberg)
Greatest Hits - Dan Fogelberg album - was created in 1972.