Mom: Debbie Mathers Dad: Marshall Bruce Mathers (which actually makes Eminem, not Marshall Mathers, but Marshall Bruce Mathers II).
eminems has one kid named Hailie and shes a girl
Eminem's siblings names are Nathan, Sarah, and Michael.
Lanie is eminems daughter he has lanie and hailie both 15 or 16
there names are what their parents chose to call them when they were born.
Elizabeth and Edward Masen in real life and in the movie his parents names are Carlyle and Esme Cullen
eminems has one kid named Hailie and shes a girl
Eminem's siblings names are Nathan, Sarah, and Michael.
Alaina, Hailie and Whitney (in alphabetical order)
Scott and Andrea Swift
mallie and jerry Robinson
Danielle and Robert Cabot
Bruce , His Full Name Is Marshall Bruce Mathers .
Their names are Frasier Robinson III & Marian [Shields] Robinson.
full names, birthdates, social security numbers, age, address and parents full names and state of births. you have to have your id also to prove its you
Hailies full name is Hailey Jade Mathers
The Wright brothers were not given middle names by their parents. Their full names were Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright.