The full name of a CMM machine is 'coordinate measuring machine' which is used to measure the physical geometric properties of objects of all shapes and sizes.
Chad Michael Murray goes by CMM.
Brahmagupta's full name is Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta Gupta. so they just tell his first and last name not his full name.
Her full name is Alecia Moore. But I don't know her middle name - if she has one! Sorry. Her full name is Alecia Beth Moore. :-)
Her full name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen
Her full name is Anna Kendrick.
CMM stands for Capability Maturity Module and PCM stands for People's Capability Maturity Module. CMM is for company and as name suggest PCMM is for people or Employees we can say... Pramod M
0.5 micron is least count of cmm machine
The full name for ATM is "Automated Teller Machine".
It is: cmm or CMM = 1900
CMM POS DE stands for Coordinate Measuring Machine Point of Sale Data Entry. It refers to the process of entering data into a system from a Coordinate Measuring Machine during a point-of-sale transaction.
SEI is the Software Engineering Institute. CMM stands for Capability Maturity Model. CMM has been replaced by CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration). For full details, go to
Automated teller machine
Automated teller machine
It is 122.5 cmm (whatever cmm means).
Electronic Data Capture Machine
The full abbreviation of the term "ATM" is Automatic Teller Machine.
currently its cmm level 3 and applied for cmm level 5