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E Flat Minor

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Q: What is the enharmonic of d sharp?
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What is a enharmonic note?

An enharmonic note is a note that has two names but have the same fingering

What are the notes in a blues scale of g?

G, A#, B#, C#, D#, E# and Fx (I'm using all scale degrees for this). Fx is F double sharp which means 'F sharp sharp', which is the same as G.

What is the song sweet child of mine about?

I only know the intro to the song so far, and for the right hand only, but I . The right hand goes like this: Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle E, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle E, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle G, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle G, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A play all the above twice and then play Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A Middle D, High D, Middle A, Middle G, High G, Middle A, High F Sharp, Middle A and that's the entire intro

What are the notes of 'the entertainer' in letters?

D D# E C E C E C C D D# E C D E BD C D D# E C E C E C AG F# A C E D C A D D D# E C E C E C C D D# E C D E B D C C D C E C D E C D C E C D E C D C E C D E E B D C #=sharp

One whole step and one half step?

If you are asking about the interval it is a minor third (or an augmented second...) In a Chromatic scale starting on C the tones are: C C#(or Db) D D#(orEb) so the whole step (two semitones) would take you from C to D, and then the half step would get you to D#(or Eb... they are enharmonic equivalents, which means that it's the same pitch with two different names)