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G, A#, B#, C#, D#, E# and Fx (I'm using all scale degrees for this). Fx is F double sharp which means 'F sharp sharp', which is the same as G.

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Q: What are the notes in a blues scale of g?
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How many notes are in a blues scale?

12 notes or 13 depending on how you look at it. C, #C, D, #D, E, F, #F, G, #G, A, #A, B, (C)

How many notes are there in a gamelan scale?

The Diatonic scale (most commonly knows as the Major Scale) has 7 unique pitches. For example: C D E F G A B would be considered the notes of the C Major scale. Although traditionally the C would repeat again on top, it is to a NEW note, but simply the repeating of the first (root) note. The chromatic scale contains 12 notes, and it is most easily explained as every note on the piano within an Octave. C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B The Diminished Scale contains 8 notes Example: C C# D# E F# G A Bb And the Whole Tone Scale contains 6 notes Example: C D E F# G# A#

How many notes make up a chord?

the basic chords are major and minor. a major chord is made up of the first, third, and fifth notes of the major scale. for example:C D E F G A B Cin a c major scale, the first, third, and fifth notes are C, E, and G, and these three notes make up the chord C major, which is usually written as simply "C."It works the exact same way with minor chords.C D Eb F G Ab Bb Cin a c minor scale, the first, third, and fifth notes are C, Eb, and G, and they make up the chord C minor, which is written as "Cm" or sometimes "C-."hopefully this is helpful. if you'd like me to explain more complex chords i can

When consecutive notes are played they form?


What are the piano notes for Smooth Criminal?

"Smooth Criminal" is a song by the late Michael Jackson. The piano notes for the song begin with F F F F F E F G G F G A A G A G E F. You can purchase the remaining notes from the Music Notes website for a small fee.

Related questions

What are the notes of the blues scale in a?

The notes of the blues scale in A are A, C, D, Eb, E, and G.

What are the notes of the blues scale?

C Blues scale: C D# F F# G A# C And then back down again. The other scales follows the same model: D blues scale: D F G G# A C D Just check the distance between the notes and you will get the rest too!

What are the notes for a D blues scale?

D, f, g, ab, a, c and d

What are the notes in the A blues scale?

A C D Eb E G A The notes might tecnecally be different, but this works enharmonically.

What is blues scale and what are the notes?

A "blues scale" consists of the root, minor third, fourth, flatted fifth, natural fifth, minor seventh and the root again. The notes for the C Blues Scale would be C, Eb, F, Gb, G, Bb and C again.

What notes are needed for a blues scale in the key of g?

G, Bb, C, C#,D, F, G I learnt at school! by Dani

What notes are needed for the blues scale in key of G?

G, Bb, B, C, D, F#, G i learnt in school by Dave

Whats the scale in blues music?

the notes of the blues scale is as follows bottom c, e flat, f, f sharp, g flat, g, b flat and a Glad to help Maddy Ell.

What are the notes of the blues scale in C?

C, Eb, F, Gb (or F♯), G, Bb and back to C.

What is the blues scale on c for alto saxophone?

The simple blues scale beginning on C is: C, Eb, F, F#(Gb), G, Bb, C. Disregarding the repeated C, there are only six notes in the scale so it is sometimes called hexatonic (six tone) blues scale. There are other versions and alterations of the blues scale, as well.

What is an E harmonic minor scale for an alto saxophone?

The E Harmonic Minor scale for the clarinet has the same key signature as its relative major scale of G major. To make the minor scale Harmonic minor the seventh note is raised (sharped). So: e - f# - g - a - b - c - d# - e are the notes you would play.

What is the f blues scale?

The notes to F blues scale are: F, Ab, Bb, Cb, C, Eb and F.