French children are taught that pigs say 'groin, groin!' instead of 'oink, oink!'
blob were bob blob blobabdy blob blob
blob is blob and blob.
Bob is a blob, a big green blob
No, it is not. A "blob" is a drop or spot or lump of anything. A blob of INK, a blob of BLOOD, a blob of LARD or a blob of water or just a spot on something, like a blob of dried mustard on a shirt. It is not a bad word. It's in the dictionary.
The blob was made 1895 when Barry veness was around he created the blob
Blob it is blob
i belive it is the life of a blob
There are a lot of games where you are a blob
organisms help theenvironment and the environment helps organisms
a blob originated in France as 'bloob'.