The cast of Meno 100 Chili - Ricette per la dieta della nostra pattumiera - 2012 includes: Giuseppe Cederna
The duration of Merci la vie is 1.95 hours.
The duration of La Bottega dell'orefice is 1.47 hours.
The duration of La Llaman Mariamor is 2700.0 seconds.
The duration of La Bestia in Calore is 1.43 hours.
La nostra vita was created on 2010-05-14.
The duration of Tutta la vita davanti is 1.48 hours.
La nostra vita - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:16 Portugal:M/12 Spain:12 Switzerland:12 (canton of Geneva) Switzerland:12 (canton of Vaud)
La Coka Nostra was created in 2006.
The cast of Dieci anni della nostra vita - 1953 includes: Emilio Cigoli Rolf Tasna
The duration of La Dolce Vita is 2.9 hours.
It is Italian for, The Pages of Our lives.
The duration of Ntoltse Vita is 1800.0 seconds.
La mia vita bella is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "My beautiful life."Specifically, the feminine singular definite article lameans "the." The feminine possessive adjective mia means "my." The feminine adjective bella means "beautiful." The feminine noun vita means "life.'The pronunciation is "lah MEE-ah BEHL-lah VEE-tah.'
Cosa Nostra - Meaning "Our Thing". Cosa Nostra or as refered to by the FBI (La Cosa Nostra - This is the wrong term as La means the in Italian and It's not "The Our Thing".) Cosa Nostra originates from "La Stessa Cosa". The Mafioso from the 1900's. La Stessa Cosa, was a very sacred society and no one knew much about it apart from those in the Mafia. After the 1900's La Stessa Cosa was reformed and known as Cosa Nostra. For a short period of time Cosa Nostra was still sacred, but today it isn't secretive anymore.
The duration of Dolce Vita Africana is 3540.0 seconds.
The duration of Un giorno nella vita is 1.58 hours.