The duration of Merci la vie is 1.95 hours.
The duration of La nostra vita is 1.55 hours.
The duration of La Bottega dell'orefice is 1.47 hours.
The duration of La Bestia in Calore is 1.43 hours.
The duration of La Nuit fantastique is 1.72 hours.
La Llaman Mariamor was created in 1996.
The cast of La llaman Mariamor - 1996 includes: Carlos Augusto Maldonado as Chaqueta (1996) Nacarid Escalona Miguel Ferrari as Yago Elaiza Gil Nacho Huett Ana Karina Casanova Pedro Lander as Brando Alfonso Medina Jennifer Milano Eric Noriega Marielena Pereira as Prof Julia Julie Restifo as Mara Anabell Rivero Lourdes Valera as Francesca Winston Vallenilla as Jhonny
Alfonso Medina has: Performed in "La llaman Mariamor" in 1996. Performed in "Pecado de amor" in 1996. Played Polonio in "Aunque me cueste la vida" in 1998. Played Marcos Romero in "Mujer secreta" in 1999. Played Ramon Oropeza in "Esto es lo que hay" in 2009.
Nacarid Escalona has: Performed in "La llaman Mariamor" in 1996. Played Alejandra de Hipolito in "Llovizna" in 1997. Played Elida in "Aunque me cueste la vida" in 1998. Played Rosetta Rapal in "Angelica pecado" in 2000. Played Isabel Rodriguez in "Calle luna, Calle sol" in 2009.
The cast of Me llaman Madrina - 1997 includes: Alexandro Celia as La Blondy Jair De Rubin Dagoberto Gama Manuel Ojeda Abel Woolrich Marta Zamora
Me Llaman Lolita was created in 1999.
The duration of La-La Loco Baby is 1500.0 seconds.
The cast of Me llaman el cantaclaro - 1964 includes: Consuelo Frank Elvira Quintana Antonio Raxel Carlos Riquelme Adriana Roel Armando Soto La Marina
The duration of La Piscine - film - is 2.07 hours.
The duration of La Haine is 1.63 hours.
The duration of La Duda is 2520.0 seconds.
The duration of La Nany is 2880.0 seconds.