No, The Nightmare Before Christmas is an original film by Tim Burton. The name of the movie is like a "parady" to Twas The Night Before Christmas.
it's not her cat and it's nameless.
Her last name is not mentioned,some people say her last name is stiches,but her creator is Dr. Finkelstein ** or you could say that her last name is Skellington, because her and Jack get married and have four or five children in the epilogue of Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.
No, his real name is actually Jack E. Strify. He wont tell anyone what the E stands for though AmandaBizarre: Jack E Strify is his stage name given to him by the other members of the band. Jack comes from his love of The Nightmare Before Christmas. And Strify is a character from Final Fantasy.
Ahnaise Christmas's birth name is Ahnaise Sinaj Michelle Christmas.
zero :-)
The main "bad guy" in Nightmare Before Christmas is Oogie Boogie.
No, The Nightmare Before Christmas is an original film by Tim Burton. The name of the movie is like a "parady" to Twas The Night Before Christmas.
Dr. Finkelstein
The Nightmare before Christmas
Dr Finkelstein voiced by William Hickey.
it's not her cat and it's nameless.
Jack's dog's name is Zero.
The main character of tnbc is Jack Skellington
Her last name is not mentioned,some people say her last name is stiches,but her creator is Dr. Finkelstein ** or you could say that her last name is Skellington, because her and Jack get married and have four or five children in the epilogue of Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack.