A brand new wife is nervous that she is too big for her new husband since she has told him she's a virgin.
A friend tells her to put raw meat inside to fill up the space.
After their first night of passionate love making she awakens to find her new husband has left for work he has left a note.
The note reads... "My darling, I am sorry I cannot be here with you when you wake but I must go to work to make money to take care of you in our new life.
Oh and P.S., your vagina is in the sink."
Season 8|Episode 19 "The Splendid Source" aired May 16, 2010
Take It On The Run
the one when Sandy Cheeks is in hibbernation
Here's her follow-up.http://www.aetv.com/intervention/video/index.jsp?bcpid=1452232410&bclid=1453556960&bctid=9238064001
The Splendid Source
Season 8|Episode 19 "The Splendid Source" aired May 16, 2010
Take It On The Run
Season Five|Episode Fifteen Merlot Down Dirty Shame
Yes they did
Dirty Family
Dirty Money (dirty south remix)
Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut, the second episode of the second season of South Park, was created on 1998-04-22.
Theyreenactthe Dirty Dancing scene in Peter Peter Cavier Eater.Unless you're thinking of the Roadhouse allusion from Brian's Got a Brand New Bag
The Dirty Sanchez.
Coal is an abundant but dirty energy source. It releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants when burned, contributing to air and water pollution.