A learned adaption is when the animal learns from something. A behavioral adaption is when the animal inherited something they need to survive.
all i can think of is learned like: my brother learned how to play the guitar. Or my brother learned his ABCs. from:horselover3000GAgirl
Heterosexual is a person whose interested in the opposite sex. A person that desires sex with the opposite sex. ===ANOTHER ANSWER=== *HETERO - " a learned borrowing from Greek, meaning {different} {other} used in the formation of compound words." When used with SEXUAL, it means different or other sex. So if someone is a HETEROSEXUAL, they have sexual interest with someone of a different (opposite) sex..........
The themes of "Jataka Tales" are Buddha's path to enlightenment. Each story is about Buddha's past lives as different animals and the valuable life lessons learned to eventually become Samma-sam-buddha.
Because she belived that his bombs killed Prim.
what are the platypuses learned behaviors
A skill can be learned behaviors are innate
Cultural adaptation.
For innate behaviors: These behaviors are instinctual and do not require any learning or experience. They are usually advantageous for survival and can be passed down through genetics. Against innate behaviors: Innate behaviors may not be as flexible as learned behaviors and could limit an individual's ability to adapt to changing environments or circumstances. For learned behaviors: These behaviors are acquired through experience, observation, and practice, allowing individuals to adapt and thrive in various environments. They are highly adaptable and can be modified based on new information. Against learned behaviors: Learned behaviors can be time-consuming to acquire, may be influenced by individual biases, and can be lost if not continually practiced or reinforced.
The theme of "how I learned English" could be overcoming challenges, cultural adaptation, and the importance of language as a bridge between cultures.
Animals learn behaviors to survive in their ecosystems. Some learned behaviors include hunting for food and migrating to live near food sources. Learned behaviors of domestic animals include learning tricks, and other training of the animal by humans.
A reflex is a response to a stimulus that the animal was born with, but a learned behavior is a response to a stimulus that the animal learns or is taught.
Innate traits are those that you are born with, while learned behaviors are which you learn throughout your life span. Example of innate traits, breathing, and swallowing. Learned Behaviors could include walking, and talking.
HELP im only eight and i need help with finding a answer od how are insincts and behaviors are the same what is the difference between them
Courtship behavior involves a combination of instinctual and learned behaviors. While some aspects are innate and instinctual, certain behaviors can also be learned through observation and experience. The degree to which courtship behavior is learned versus instinctual can vary among different species.
learned behavior
Instinct and learned behavior are antonyms because learned behavior means someone helps you and instinct maens to do it by yourself.