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all i can think of is learned like: my brother learned how to play the guitar. Or my brother learned his ABCs. from:horselover3000GAgirl

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Q: What are 2 meanings for learned?
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A word that has two meanings is called a homonym. These words sound alike or are spelled alike but have different meanings.

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2 meanings 1) Bark, a sound (eg. A dog barks) 2) Bark on a tree (eg. An oak tree has bark)

PRESENT RESERVE - Do these words 1 have similar meanings 2 have contradictory meanings 3 mean neither the same nor opposite?

No, they do not have similar meanings. Yes, they have contradictory meanings. They mean neither the same nor opposite.

What was learned from World War 2?

1. Germany learned not to f$ck with other countries. 2. Russia learned that having allies pay off. 3. Everyne learned that Polands army sucks balls. 4. America learned that England doesn't just wear cool hats.

How can you memorize English word meanings?

Words are learned by using them, hearing them, and reading them; the more familiar they become, the more easily you will be able to remember their meanings. Read English language books, watch English language movies, have conversations in English, and the language will become more familiar.

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it can mean 2 things: what you learned about the game or what you learned from the game.

Are there 2 ways to spell there?

ThereTheirThey'reAll have totally different meanings.

What language has a 2 letter word with three meanings?

English does.