Yes. (check urban dictionary if you don't believe me)
It also has 2 other meanings. A cigarette and a male homosexual.
Harley Cokeliss's birth name is Harley Louis Cokliss.
Robert Harley Wordsworth died in 1984.
Harley Rain is 5' 3".
Harley Quinn
Alyson Harley is 5' 7".
There are several webpages dedicated to discussing Harley Davidson bikes. For example, webpages such as 'HD Forums', 'Harley riders forum' or HD talking' are well-known forums.
No, any biker or non-biker is allowed to attend.
the most common motorcycle brand for young riders is Yamaha
Nearly a century ago, Harley's racing team, the Wrecking Crew, had a small pig as a mascot and one of the riders would do victory laps with the pig sitting on the bike's gas tank. This earned the riders the nickname "hogs" and eventually people referred to the bikes as hogs, too. Legend has it that this was the origin of the term "hog" when referring to a Harley.
fags can lead to a range of fatal cancers,especially lung cancer.
Yes, its a courtesy to all riders. Most all cruisers get an acknowledgment from me, and some sport bikes, but usually they are too busy being gay.
Harley started using a sports engine in their bikes in 1960. It was a small 50cc that was popular for beginning riders who wanted to start out with a smaller bike.
Fags. which can also mean cigarettes(p) or a bundle of sticks.
This is a big problem for some Harley Davidson bikes. The pegs are a result to a manufacturing defect. One can fix this problem by simply taking the pegs off.
Harley recommends an oil and filter change every 5000 miles. Most riders change more frequently. I change mine every 3000 miles.