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Restive means impatient of control or restraint.

Restless means uneasy or unquiet, unable to remain at rest; perpetually agitated or in motion.

A horse may be restless when loose in a field, but can only be restive if it is resisting control. A child can be restless from boredom, but can only be restive if someone is trying to make him do what he does not want.

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14y ago

you are restless. restlessness is used when talking about being restless

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Q: What is the difference between restless and restlessness?
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Is restless a noun?

No, the word 'restless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun (a restless night, a restless audience).The noun form of the adjective 'restless' is restlessness,.

What is the suffix for restless?

Ah, a wonderful question! The suffix for "restless" is "-ness". Adding this suffix transforms the word into "restlessness", capturing the essence of someone feeling unable to relax or be still. Just like adding a happy little tree to a painting, adding a suffix can bring a new dimension and depth to a word.

How do you use restlessness in a sentence?

It's an adjetive so u could say, "She couldn't sit still during the test; she was so restless."

Why is Gatsby restless in chapter 4?

In Chapter 4 of "The Great Gatsby," Jay Gatsby is restless because he is still trying to win over Daisy. His restlessness stems from his desire to escape his past and create a new identity for himself, one that will finally allow him to be with Daisy. Gatsby's restlessness also reflects his deep longing for a love that he feels is just out of reach.

What is meant by the statement restlessness is the father of classroom disciplinary problems?

This statement suggests that when students feel restless or bored in the classroom, they are more likely to act out or misbehave. Restlessness can lead to a lack of engagement with the material being taught, which can result in disruptive behavior and disciplinary issues. Addressing students' restlessness with engaging activities and teaching methods can help prevent classroom disciplinary problems.

What is meant by this statement restlessness is the father of classroom disciplinary problems?

This statement suggests that when students are restless or bored in the classroom, they are more likely to exhibit disciplinary issues as a way to cope with their lack of engagement. Addressing restlessness through engaging lessons and activities can help prevent such problems from arising.

Why restlessness is the father of a classroom disciplinary problems?

Restlessness can be the root cause of disciplinary problems in a classroom because it disrupts the learning environment. When students are restless, they may be easily distracted, exhibit disruptive behaviors, and struggle to focus on their tasks. This can lead to a breakdown in classroom management and cause other students to become distracted or frustrated.

Why is my cat restless and meowing?

Cats can be restless and meow for various reasons, such as hunger, boredom, seeking attention, feeling anxious, or wanting to go outside. It's important to observe your cat's behavior and environment to determine the cause of their restlessness and meowing. If the behavior persists or is concerning, it may be helpful to consult with a veterinarian.

What is it called when you are always moving?

Constant movement or restlessness could be described as hyperactivity or being unable to sit still. Alternatively, it could be related to conditions such as restless legs syndrome or hyperkinetic disorder.

When was Anatomy of Restlessness created?

Anatomy of Restlessness was created in 1997.

How do you tackle a restless child?

The child should be given a good physical first to be sure there is no reason for their restlessness. If their physical is fine and the child is still restless it could mean they are not getting enough playtime outside (fresh air makes children tired) and it's important they are with friends and have some quality of time with either one parent or both and this means doing things together such as bike riding; going to the zoo, etc. Some children are restless or 'act out' because they are loaded up on sugar (sugar is in many packaged foods) so try a month or two of giving your child no sugar whatsoever and see if their restlessness and mood changes.

How many pages does Anatomy of Restlessness have?

Anatomy of Restlessness has 244 pages.