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A thriller is more interested in suspense, putting you "on the edge of your seat" or in plain terms, making you nervous for the fate of the characters. A Horror movie wants to make you fear for your personal safety, to make you afraid that what happened to the characters may happen to you even after you've left the theater.

As a good horror movie often contains a great deal of suspense and as a good thriller can be pretty scary in spots it's more down to the intentions of the film maker and the subject matter of the film. Hitchcock is regarded as a suspense director but his films Psycho and The Birds are more correctly classified as horror films because they deal with horrific subject matter and their intention is to terrify, not make you nervous about the fate of the on-screen characters. Hitchcock's film North By Northwest has a terrifically suspenseful ending but it is not particularly horrific in that it is not specifically designed to scare you into thinking you may fall off Washington's nose on your next visit to Mount Rushmore.

Since the 80's film makers who somehow feel making a horror film is beneath them have often described their films as "thrillers" when they are actually horror films further blurring the difference between the two styles.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

In a thriller the main focus is suspense and tension whereas a horror film is trying to elicit fear, disgust and horror from its audience.

Thrillers are based on potential real-life (or sometimes actual) events and monsters: Hostage situations, Home Invasion/Rape, Plane Crashes, Bank Robberies, Car Chases, Stalkers, and many more scenarios. They can be scary and keep you at the edge of your seat, but have a potential real life theme, where asHorror is an extremely broad genre that can range from extreme gore to simply the unexplained. There is a thread of the (most-likely) impossible running through a horror tale: Supernatural, Ghosts, Spirits, Boogie Men, Magic, Killer Bunnies, and the like. The aim is not just to keep you at the edge of your seat but also to frighten the viewer/reader and are typically works of fiction.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Not always but sometimes. A straight thriller often takes place with realistic elements like a bomb is about to go off and there is only one cop who can stop it. That would be the elements of a thriller. Horror usually involves elements that are supernatural or other worldly. They involve monsters, ghosts, or psychos are cannot be stopped.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Action movies have alot of intrest in them and horror films are very scary to some people, eg: Stephen King's It

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A chiller has scares, and an eerie atmosphere. And a horror generally has violence and gore.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Comedy is a funny movie, there usually 12-15s as they can have in-apprioate language in them! a horror movie, is usually about murder, ghosts, anything that tends to be scary!

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