

Best Answer

One is made of paper

And the other is a DVD/VSH

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Q: What is the difference between Sounder the book and Sounder the movie?
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The movie is really bad, the book, sublime.

Who is the sounder in the book sounder?

the dog

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the different is that the book is not good and the movie is better.

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Surprisingly, there is not much difference between the book and movie

Who wote the book sounder?

The book Sounder was written by William H. Armstrong.

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the book has a lot of good details but the movie has very little

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your mom XD

What is the copyright date of the book Sounder?

The book "Sounder" by William H. Armstrong was first published in 1969.

What was the two conflicts in the book Sounder?

The two main conflicts in the book "Sounder" are the poverty and discrimination faced by the family, and the journey and hardships faced by the boy as he searches for his beloved dog, Sounder.

What is the difference between novel holes and the film of holes?

There is no difference, in the movie they used the same dialogue as they did in the book.

Is sounder the dog in the book Sounder?

Yes, Sounder is the name of the dog in the book "Sounder" by William H. Armstrong. The story is about a boy's deep bond with his loyal dog, Sounder, and the hardships they face together.