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Snape was very fond of Lily Potter and he loved her. They both have the same patronus, a doe.

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Q: What is the connection of Lilly Potter and Snipes patronus?
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Why do severus snape and lilly potter shere pertronus?

Snape was in love with Lily and so his patronus took the shape of hers.

Who sent the silver doe to Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter And The Deathy Hallows, Snape sends the silver doe patronus because he was in love with lily potter and that's what form hers was and how he rememebers her. Hope this helps!

Who represents the deer hologram in Deathly Hallows?

It is not a hologram, but a patronus (spell to defend against Dementors and send messages to other wizards in no time). The deer patronus belongs to Snape, and very specifically to Lilly Potter (Harry's mum). Snape loved her so much that he took over her patronus as a sign when she was killed by Voldemort. The patronus represents itself to Harry and helps him find the real sword of Gryffindor.

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A stag, the same animal his father turned into and likely the same patronus.

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Lily Potter was Muggle-born.

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What children do Harry Potter have?

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What are the names of Snape's parents in Harry Potter?

Lily Evans and James Potter. I'm obsessed with the series. :)

Why did Remus Lupin bury Severus Snape's flower with Lilly Potter?

Snape had given that flower to lilly, in book/movie 6 Prof. Slughorn talks to Harry about how he used to have a fish. One day he had come back to his office to find a lilly (because it was lilly potter who gave it to him) i a bowl of water. Whenever he touched the flower (he might not have, I dont quite remember if he touched the flower or not) it sank to the bottom then turned into a beautiful fish. When Lilly died the fish had gone as well.

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They are still filming the Sixth Movie, so the casting date will not be released for some time.