Snape was very fond of Lily Potter and he loved her. They both have the same patronus, a doe.
Snape had given that flower to lilly, in book/movie 6 Prof. Slughorn talks to Harry about how he used to have a fish. One day he had come back to his office to find a lilly (because it was lilly potter who gave it to him) i a bowl of water. Whenever he touched the flower (he might not have, I dont quite remember if he touched the flower or not) it sank to the bottom then turned into a beautiful fish. When Lilly died the fish had gone as well.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
I don't think u would have to be a redhead to audtion for Lilly Evens because in the book it didn't say Lilly is a redhead.
Snape was in love with Lily and so his patronus took the shape of hers.
Ted Lupin, Scorpio Malfoy, Rose Weasley, Albus Potter, James Potter, Lilly Potter, and Victoria. (James and Lilly are James and Lilly the Second)
Ellie Darcey-Alden as a child plays lily potter
A common resource for Harry Potter knowledge and facts is the Harry Potter Lexicon. They have large sections concerning wizards and witches, and have many family pages, such as the Weasleys, Malfoys, Blacks, and others. Another good website is the Harry Potter Wiki. You can search the name of the character and look through their biography where it states parents, blood status, parent's blood status, husbands/wives (as applicable) and their blood status, children, famous relatives etc. as applicable
lilly and james potter mated
James, Albus Severus (Al) and Lilly
Snape was very fond of Lily Potter and he loved her. They both have the same patronus, a doe.
Yes. But then he comes back to life because Voldemort took his blood in The Goblet of Fire. So Lilly Potter's sacrifice still lives, only within Voldemort. In order to kill Harry, he would have to kill him self too.
Lily Evans and James Potter. I'm obsessed with the series. :)
Snape had given that flower to lilly, in book/movie 6 Prof. Slughorn talks to Harry about how he used to have a fish. One day he had come back to his office to find a lilly (because it was lilly potter who gave it to him) i a bowl of water. Whenever he touched the flower (he might not have, I dont quite remember if he touched the flower or not) it sank to the bottom then turned into a beautiful fish. When Lilly died the fish had gone as well.
They are still filming the Sixth Movie, so the casting date will not be released for some time.
The auditions for Lily Potter appeared to have been private as there was no open casting call.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.