Lilies can be white, yellow, pink and orange. Some even have light green markings.
Lily in Lily alone is 11, Bliss and Baxter are 6 and Pixie is 3.
Lily Mae Silverstein's birth name is Lily Mae Silverstein.
Lily Munster before marriage was Lily Dracula her brother wasLester Dracula
Lily Pons is 5' 0".
Vivian and Lily, although it is later revealed that Lily is actually Chuck's mother.
The most common color of the flower Lily of The Valley is a pinkish-white.
Lily Evans has red hair and green eyes.
Island Blue
Lily Allen does because ROSE is a color ( that's her middle name).
It depends, sometimes they can be white, pink, or purple.
It depends, sometimes they can be white, pink, or purple.
A soft brown color.
everyone thinks PURPLE? ;)
Color of Easter LiliesEaster Lilies can come in a large variation of colors, but the most common color seen at Easter is white.
lily, Billy, hilly, silly, filly
She wore a red dress in her wedding with Rufus.