Prue, Piper and Phoebe's father's name is Victor Bennet. Paige's dad is Sam Wilder.
Kit is the name of the cat on Charmed.
Paige's last name on Charmed is Matthews.
Her name is Melody
his dads
The mum of the charmed ones name is Patty or Paddy. The charmed ones names are Prue, Piper, Phoebe and Page.
The Book of Shadows is the name of the book that the Charmed Ones use on Charmed.
Kit is the name of the cat on Charmed.
no there not his real dads name is Jeremy bieber, his step dads name isn't Jeremy
my dads name is tony and my is thomas
her dads name is mather
Paige's last name on Charmed is Matthews.
Her name is Melody
Forever Charmed
b charmed is where all the stores are the blue bulding on your map
his dads