Savannah Guthrie's birth name is Savannah Clark Guthrie.
Tabitha Banks's birth name is Janelle Johnson.
Yes there is. Marcia Cross has twin daughters and one is named Savannah.
Captain Janks is a guy that does prank phone calls to various TV news outlets & plays them on Howard Stern's radio show.
Bert Stern's birth name is Bertram Stern.
Savannah Bentley's birth name is Savannah Cox.
Wes Stern's birth name is Wesley Lewis Stern.
Abby Stern's birth name is Abigail Ashley Stern.
Cori Stern's birth name is Cori Shepherd Stern.
Jenna Stern's birth name is Jenna Louise Stern.
Leonard Stern's birth name is Leonard Bernard Stern.
Lilibet Stern's birth name is Elizabeth Mae Stern.
Marinka Stern's birth name is Ana Marija Stern.
Mauri Stern's birth name is Marcos Stern Chernovetzky.
Rudi Stern's birth name is Rudolph George Stern.
Seth Stern's birth name is Seth Michael Stern.