Captain Janks is a guy that does prank phone calls to various TV news outlets & plays them on Howard Stern's radio show.
Captain Tuttle's birth name is Jonathan S. Tuttle.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Jayne Brook's birth name is Anderson, Jane.
Lucie Haluzik's birth name is Lucie Haluzikov.
Captain Sensible's birth name is Burns, Raymond.
Captain Romanticus's birth name is Micaiah Robnett.
Captain Tuttle's birth name is Jonathan S. Tuttle.
Captain Sticky's birth name is Richard Allen Pesta.
Captain Haggerty's birth name is Arthur J. Haggerty.
Captain Bates's birth name is Martin Van Buren Bates.
Captain DeZita's birth name is William Michael Achilles De Orgler Dezita.
Captain Beefheart's birth name is Don Van Vliet
Captain Thunderbolt's father was Michael Ward, a convict, and his mother's name was Sophia. Captain Thunderbolt's birth name was Frederick Wordsworth Ward.
The captain's name in Tintin is Captain Haddock.
Captain Cook's last name was Cook. His full name (after promotion) was Captain James Cook.
His name was Captain... wait I thought you meant the captain of the fake Titanic