Josephinne Zelaya's birth name is Josephinne Marie Zelaya Aplicano.
Manuel Antonio Alberto Zelaya was born in 1958.
Don Zelaya died on December 14, 1951, in Hollywood, California, USA of heart attack.
Nino Bellini's birth name is Giovanni Bellin.
Shyne's birth name is Jamal Barrow.
Jayne Brook's birth name is Anderson, Jane.
Josephinne Zelaya goes by Joey.
Josephinne Zelaya was born on July 14, 1988, in Santiago, Chile.
The cast of Smash - 2010 includes: Josephinne Zelaya as Jen
Josephine Jacob is 169 cm.
The cast of The House - 2009 includes: Bela Grushka Maia Iukuridze as Clown Glenn Kalison Robert Wu Josephinne Zelaya
The current president is José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, also known as Manuel Zelaya or Mel Zelaya.
Josephinne Yaroshevich was born in 1946.
Orgin: Spanish First found in Basque region of Navarrave Some of the first settlers of this family name or it's varients were: Martin de Celaya who sailed to new Spain in 1580. Some noteworthy people of the name Zelaya: Jose Santos Zelaya; President of Nicaragua 1894-1909
Zelaya Department ended in 1986.
Héctor Zelaya was born on 1958-08-12.
Manuel Zelaya was born on 1952-09-20.
Nelson Zelaya was born on 1973-07-09.