exactly 352 boys worldwide have haircuts just like Justin Beiber xx
Justin Bieber sang with Jayden Smith in his hit song... Never Say Never.
To assume every male hates Justin Bieber is discrimination against homosexuals. Not everyone hates him, but, personally, he is a media-attention leech, which is probably why so many people, men and women, tend to dislike him. Nobody likes a bragger and media-leeching went out of fashion in the 70's.
who would not like justin bieber mostly the boys but ther just jelus but enyway if i went to one of his consrs i would be chering the lowdest then eny one in thaer hit me up on facebook my name is hailey schnortz thank justin bieber
Ano kala nyo oo? Hindi kaya badin un eh noh mga boys?
lock them in a room with a real person instead of a figment of some person's dreams. the reason for the plural gender is boys like him 2... strngely
only about 1% of boys like justin bieber. and that 1% of boys are either gay or bisexual.
like 200 bucks
Singer Justin Bieber might like girls who act like boys. Justin Bieber has dated several celebrities and as of June 2014 is not in a relationship.
Guys think Justin Bieber is gay because they are jealous of him.
Yeah, there are boys who like Justin, they call them self 'BoyBeliebers'
Justin bieber
Justin bieber's inspirations are, Boys 2 men, Stevie wonder, and Michael Jackson.
No. Justin likes only boys in that way.
no only girls .
justin bieber