Man go to it is my site and here u get more thene 600 wwe themes free u also get wwe wallpapers,photos and video but 1st u have to go on and join ite its free.After joining multiply u create your own site and then go to my which is trust me u have every wwe music
Feel free to email me my email address is
AnswerMan go to it is my site and here u get more thene 600 wwe themes free u also get wwe wallpapers,photos and video but 1st u have to go on and join ite its free.After joining multiply u create your own site and then go to my which is trust me u have every wwe musicFeel free to email me my email address is
AnswerMan go to it is my site and here u get more thene 600 wwe themes free u also get wwe wallpapers,photos and video but 1st u have to go on and join ite its free.After joining multiply u create your own site and then go to my which is trust me u have every wwe music Feel free to emali me my email address is AnswerMan go to it is my site and here u get more thene 600 wwe themes free u also get wwe wallpapers,photos and video but 1st u have to go on and join ite its free.After joining multiply u create your own site and then go to my which is trust me u have every wwe music Feel free to emali me my email address is"I Want it All" by Jim Johnson is the Raw theme song in "Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain". Johnson is the lead music creator for WWE.
Chris Masters' WWE theme song is Overdrive composed by Jim Johnston.
It was ''Your Day Of Vengeance'' a WWE Production Theme that WWE created.
down with the sickness-disturbed
Former WWE wrestler Maven's entrance theme music is the song Tattoo. Maven's theme song was sung by the group Neomic.
The intro theme song to WWE's SmackDown : Here Comes The Pain game was, " I wan't it all " by Jim Johnston.
The same he used for the CORRE theme song
for raw it is Nickelback smackdown not sure
If you Rock like me
Green Day - Know your enemy
Know your enemy by green day
The theme song for RAW is "Burn It to the Ground" by Nickelback. The theme song for SmackDown is "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day. The theme song for WWESuperstars is "Invincible" by Adelitas Way. And the theme song for WWE NXT is "Wild and Young" by American Bang.
You can find the song on WWE ThemeAddict: The Music, Vol. 6.
As of October 2010,Know your enemy by green day.
Everybody on the Ground- WWF Smackdown! - WWF Smackdown! Just Bring it The Beautiful People- WWE Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth I Want it All- WWE Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain
They do the Smackdown theme song but they dont do any of the superstars entrances.
the only way you can get randy's new theme song is to download it on your console.