It was ''Your Day Of Vengeance'' a WWE Production Theme that WWE created.
It's the theme song of Doom 3. -----> True, but the theme song is: "Doom 3 theme song" by Tweaker (2004)
its by cheshire cat on newgrounds
The Hart Dynastys theme song is the sameas Bret Harts theme song.
Her theme song is "Holla" by Desiree Jackson. Her theme song is "Holla" by Desiree Jackson.
His theme song is called "Written In My Face".
Rev Theory
"Gone" by Fuel is the official theme song of Vengeance 2007
im coming
Goldentusk's Superman Theme Song - 2006 was released on: USA: 5 July 2006 (internet)
Goldentusk's James Bond Theme Song - 2006 was released on: USA: 23 August 2006 (internet)
It is "Run" by Day of Fire
"Deadly Game" by Theory Of A Deadman
New Morning - 2002 Your Personal Theme Song was released on: USA: 17 May 2006
2002 officail world cup song
garry poohead
Jeff Hardy's new theme song is "Modest" by Peroxwhy?gen (TNA; 2004--2006, 2010) He uses this theme in TNA.
The newer version from 2006 onwards is Boom by P.O.D whilst the old version from 1985 is Obsession by Animotion.