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try the commercials section on What Is That Song?

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Q: What is the Stone's song on the new DELL TV ad?
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What is the song on the dell inspiron 1520 tv commercial?

Flaming Lips -- the W.A.N.D.

Who sings the song in the Bravia tv bunnies advert?

The Rolling Stones "She's the Rainbow"

What advertisements use Rolling Stones songs?

One of the most recent adverts to feature a Rolling Stones song was the Sony Bravia TV.It used She's a Rainbow from His Satanic Majesty's Request.You can watch it here: most famous Rolling stones song in an advert is Start Me UP, used by Microsoft introducing their new Windows 1995.

What 1970s TV kids show used the Rolling Stones Sing this Song all Together?

Story Theatre.

Why will my Dell computer not let me see what is on TV?

Cos Dell suck

Who sings song for commercial for new tv show tyrant?

song is wave by beck

Does Dell sell lcd tvs online?

From looking at the Dell website it does not look like Dell says a Dell LCD TV online. I suggest calling their customer service number and asking if they have one available. 1-888-782-3355

Who sings the version of 'Time Is On My Side' in the Slim Fast commercial?

Rolling Stones is hailed for the Slim Fast Commercials. Taylor Hicks sings the song heard in the Slim Fast commercial.NEW "TIME IS ON MY SIDE" SINGER The singer in the new Slim-Fast TV ads is an awesome up-and-coming singer named MEIKO -- it's a cool version of the Rolling Stones song -- you can check her music out at Her original stuff is sooooo good!== ==

Can I buy a Dell lcd tv at

I believe Dell has stopped producing LCD TVs. There is currently only one Dell TV available on Amazon--the 26" model. You might try searching other vendors who specialize in used TVs.

What is the name of the new Dell computer?

The new Dell XPS 15 - it is a completely redesigned multimedia notebook with a 15-inch display. It includes a JBL sound-system with subwoofer, NVIDIA dedicated graphics, and an Intel Core i5 processor.

What is the name of the song in new living tv advert for ghost whisperer?

'How it ends' by Devotchka (fab song)

What is the song in bravo tv new summer commercial?

kissed it! by Macy Grayfor 2011 the song is Britney Spears' New Single "I Wanna Go"