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Q: What is the Catch holding a gun at half - cock?
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Why wont your pellet gun cock?

Sounds like the catch mechanism is broken.

What does gun cock mean?

To cock a gun means to load it sort of. Like, when you hear guns go like -chk chk-. When you cock a gun, you are placing the hammer in a position to fire the weapon.

Why half cocked?

The term half-cock is as old as flintlock guns and appears in print from about the mid 18th century; "The gun being at Half-Cock, the Spring acts upon the Tumbler with more Advantage." The earliest known use of the phrase 'going off at half-cock' comes from London and Its described, in 1761 as "Some arms taken at Bath in the year 1715, distinguished from all others in the Tower, by having what is called dog locks; that is, a kind of lock with a catch to prevent their going off at half-cock." We now commonly use 'go off at half-cock' or, in America, 'go off half-cocked', to mean 'speak or act impulsively and without the right preparation'. And therefore this clearly alludes to the sudden discharge of a firearm. Despite that, the first use of the phrase had a completely different meaning. When the 'half-cocked' was used it was supposedly to mean tipsy, or half-drunk.

How do you cock a cap gun?

Cock it? I think you just shoot until it runs out.

Do you have to cock all semi auto airsoft?

You only have to cock it if it is a spring gun.

When does a hammerless gun cock?

As you pull the trigger.

What you hear when you cock your gun?

Mechanical noise

How do you cock a gun?

by pulling the hammer back.

Does m1911 short gun have safe?

If you are referring to the M1911 pistol, yes, it has 3 safeties- a grip safety, half cock safety, and a thumb safety.

What is the thing you cock back on a gun?

May be a hammer or a striker, depending on design of the gun.

What is the fastest spring-loaded airsoft pistol?

A spring gun? It depends on how fast you can cock the gun. There is not a fastest gun.

Do you have to cock a spring airsoft gun after every shot?
