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Sounds like the catch mechanism is broken.

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Q: Why wont your pellet gun cock?
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How do you load daisy model 120 pellet gun?

The Crosman 120 is a rifle not a gun. It is a break barrel. Cock the barrel all the way down and load a pellet into the rear of the barrel. Pull the barrel back up and it' is ready to fire.

Can you shoot a pheasant with a pellet gun?

It depends on the model and the caliber of the Pellet gun.

You put the gun back together and now it wont cock what are you doing wrong?

Need make , model of "gun" hi-point c blue 9mm se

What is a break barrel pellet gun?

Brake barrel rifles are single shot rifles. After each shot you have to fold the barrel down (Break the barrel) in order to cock it again.

What is the meaing of pulet gun?

I think you mean pellet gun. That is a gun that fires a small lead pellet but does not use gun powder. It uses compressed air or compressed gasses to push the pellet.

Can you carry a pellet gun pistol for protection in NY?

A pellet gun is not adequate for protection, and will get you arrested.

What is the chances of dying if you get shot with a pellet gun?

Any pellet gun should be handled like a real firearm. Yes you can be killed with a pellet gun under the right circumstances.

How do you put back the trigger part of the pellet gun?

It all depends on the model and who made the pellet gun. I suggest that you re-post the queston with the model and make of the pellet gun to get an answer.

Can you use a bullet in a pellet gun?

No. Even if it would fit in the chamber, there is no firing pin on a pellet gun.

Do you need a gun license for a pellet gun in Illinois?

Nope. Pellet guns are fairly safe to use.

When I cock my spring pistol back and let go the gun automatically fires which would be fine with me but nothing comes out I know it's jammed but that's it How do I fix it?

Is this a Pellet, BB or airgun? If it's a pellet or BB gun you can use a .177 cleaning rod down the barrel to push the Pellet back out of the barrel into the breech. Make sure the pistol is not cocked. I suggest you look up "air gun repair" on the web and take it to someone who repairs airguns to have it fixed.

Is it okay to dryfire an air rifle?

If you are asking about a "springer firing system" The answer is NO do not dryfire it. When you shoot a single cock springer rifle or gun with a pellet in the chamber, there is a moment where the piston actually slows down just before the pellet is fired down the barrel. If you have no pellet in the chamber the piston slams against the end of the chamber and this will eventually ruin the chamber. Dry firing a Co2 gun will not hurt it. You will just waist Co2.