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In the world of Harry Potter, your patronus can change to the patronus of someone that you fall in love with. Snape was in love with Lily Potter, this is significant because it shows how much he loved her.

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Q: What is significance of snapes and lily potters doe?
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Why is snapes potronis a doe?

That is related to the fact that he was in love with Lily Evans - whose patronus was also a doe.

When does Harry Potter find out lily's patronus is a doe?

in the 7 book when he goes in snapes memory

Was Snape's patronus a doe?

It is a doe because Snape always loved Harry's mother, Lily, and her patronus was a doe. His never changed as he always loved her, as shown in the final book. Lily's patronus is a doe as it is complimentary to James Potter's stag.

Who also had a Doe patronus along with Severus Snape?

Lily Evans.

What is Professor Snape's patroness?

A doe because he loved Lily Potter so much. It's possible it used to be a dementor but then he met Lily and it changed.

What is severus snapes patronus?

J. K. Rowling does not mention Hargid having a patronus in any of the books. This may be because Hagrid got exspelled in his third year. I do think if Hagid had a patronus it would looks like Fang, his dog. :)

Who sent the silver doe to Harry Potter?

In Harry Potter And The Deathy Hallows, Snape sends the silver doe patronus because he was in love with lily potter and that's what form hers was and how he rememebers her. Hope this helps!

Why did Severus Snape have the same patronus as Lily Potter?

Wizards' Patronuses can sometimes change shape. Severus Snape loved Lily (Evans) Potter and so his patronus changed shape to the same one as Lily, a doe. It is very likely that Snape's patronus didn't actually change shape and was always a doe since he had loved Lily all his life.

What form did Harry's patronus take?

It is a silver doe, like Lily Potter's because he loved her all his life.

What is the connection of Lilly Potter and Snipes patronus?

Snape was very fond of Lily Potter and he loved her. They both have the same patronus, a doe.

Why did snape use petronues in dumbledore office?

To prove his point that he is still in love with the late Lily Potter: his Patronus is the same as hers was (a doe).

Why is snakes sign a deer in Harry Potter?

Severus Snape was in love with Lily Evans, Harry Potter's mother. Snape's patronus is a deer because Lily's was a deer, and he was so in love with her that his patronus was the same as her's. It's a doe, actually.