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semi commercial farming

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Q: What is semi commercial farming?
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Related questions

What is semi-commercial farming?

semi commercial farming

What is a sentence with commercial farming in it?

Commercial farming is good.

Types of commercial grain farming?

There are two types commercial grain farming-extensive commercial grain farmingintensive commercial grain farming

Does US do commercial or subsistance farming?

Primarily commercial farming.

In France is it subsistence farming or commercial farming?

A bit of both but generally commercial, subsistence farming is more common in LEDCs now a days and MEDCs usually have commercial farming.

Explain commercial farming?

Commercial farming supplies most of the food supply for Americans. Commercial farming is large scale farming to mass produce crops for chain stores.

What is the comparison between peasant farming an commercial arable farming?

peasant farming- small scale commercial farming-large scale

Does Denmark have commercial or subsistence farming?

Both.Denmark has both subsitence and commercial farming.

What are the difference of farming by peasants commercial mechanized farming?

commercial mechanize farming includes tractors threshers and modern technologies

All culture in Africa is commercial farming true or false?

False, because Africa has more Subsistence farming then the commercial farming.

Is Malaysia a subsistence farming or commercial farming?

i don't if malaysia is a sudsistence farming or commercial farming..i known i already study about malaysia 'rice farming in malaysia...huhuh i hope you can teach me

Does Thomas Jefferson like farming or commercial?
