Harp seals will eat a lot of different sea food. Crab, krill, coruscations, capelin, plaice, eels, shrimp, salmon, herring, octopus, flounder, cod, plankton, smelt, anchovies, jellyfish and squid are favourites.
== Ella Fitzgerald favorite food was Pizza (== ==
her favorite food was pancakes, waffles, or any breakfast food.
Laura Mariano favorite food is Pizza and Chinese pikled
Alexa Chung's favorite food is Ice Cream.
Robert Pattinson's Favorite Food is pink cotton candy
probably seals and human beings
because the seals are one of the main mammals in the area of the polar bear and they are easy to capture and they are not polar bears predators ( predators means where its the polar bears food not a polar bears eater)
An orca's favorite food is typically fish, such as salmon, herring, and mackerel. They may also eat other marine animals like seals, squid, and even other whales.
Harp Seals find food by using their whiskers.
The favorite food of orcas is typically fish, with their diet consisting mainly of salmon, herring, and other types of fish. They are also known to eat squid, octopus, and occasionally seals or sea lions.
Harp seals will eat a lot of different sea food. Crab, krill, coruscations, capelin, plaice, eels, shrimp, salmon, herring, octopus, flounder, cod, plankton, smelt, anchovies, jellyfish and squid are favourites.
Seals swallow their food whole with the head of the food first. Their teeth are only designed for grasping their food, not chewing.
Seals are the favorite food of many predators. Sharks, killer whales, and polar bears are three of the largest predators of seals. Polar bears hunt for seals by finding the places where the seal is hiding on the ice, and pouncing on them. Sharks can hunt seals by hiding very deep in the sea, and rushing upwards when they see a seal overhead. Humans sometimes hunt seals too.
No. the leopard seals need to hunt for their food. their food is mostly penguins. most of the penguins escape and the leopard seals have no food
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