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Each of the 5 Robins (6, if you include The Dark Knight Returns' Carrie Kelley) had slightly different motivations that caused them to take up the role of Robin.

  • Dick Grayson wished to find and punish the man who killed his parents.
  • Jason Todd wished to escape his rather low origins.
  • Tim Drake wished help bring stability back Batman after the death of Jason Todd.
  • Stephanie Brown wished to redeem herself for the actions of her father, Cluemaster.
  • Damion Wayne wished to know and become more like his father, Bruce Wayne, and escape his mother, Talia.
  • Carrie Kelley became Robin out of hero worship of Batman.
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Is robin in the justice league?

Yes. There are several different people who have been Robin in Batman comics/cartoons, but the Robin from Young Justice is one of the Robins from Batman. Usually, it is the third Robin, Tim Drake.