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A kid gets left alone in his house during Christmas. while he is home alone some burglers try to rob his house, the kid keeps them away by setting traps everywhere.

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A story's "plot summary" could also be called an "abstract."

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the plot of the summary is to explain the whole plot of the book because all the summary is is a recap of the main story's plot so you basically just restate the plot of the story in you summary paragraph

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A logline is a one-sentence summary that encapsulates the central conflict or concept of a story. It aims to grab attention and provide a quick overview of the narrative in a compelling way. While it touches on the plot, it does not detail the entire plot like a plot summary would.

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What is the definition of a summary?

Basically, it's just the summary of the main idea. If you've ever shopped for a book and saw the summary of the book, that's the plot summary; it just took everything important, all the main ideas, from the book and simplified it into a paragragh or two that told you all about the book in short. A plot summary is just that; a summary of the plot.

Is the plot summary the conclusion?

No. The conclusion is the end of the story -- what happens after the climax. The plot summary is a short re-telling of the entire story.

What is an example of plot summary?

Anything can be an example! Go read a book or watch a movie -- then tell a friend what happened. That is a plot summary.

Is a plot like a summary for a story?

No, a plot is the sequence of events that make up a story. It includes the main events, conflict, and resolution. A summary is a brief overview of the entire story, highlighting key points and the outcome.