Nicks favorite perfume is pink sugar.........he wants his girlfriend to smell good and I always smell good and I have pink sugar love u nick
Dont mind to serch all over the internet looking for nick maras numder
347-868-4716 im close friends with him i swear to god
Nick Jonas only has one favorite color which is blue.
Nick's favorite actress is Gweneth Paltrow.
I know that Nick's favorite movie is Finding Neverland
Pink, red, and baby blue
Nick maras email is: You're welcome :P
Dont mind to serch all over the internet looking for nick maras numder
His have food is bacon these burger
his eyes are brown
One Directions favorite perfume on women is their own perfume called 'Our Moment.'
Sorry i cant give u nicks but i know joes.... he loves it when girl wear vera wang perfume- it was told in a magazine <333 nick <333 Joe <333
Actually that was Joe's, Nick likes Miss Dior Cherie!
Jackie Chan does not wear perfume.
Cheryl Cole's favourite perfume is Victor and Rolf Flowerbomb.
what is nick's favorite restuarant