is it the Tom Jones(?) song you are describing? Lots of backup horns and so on? is it the Tom Jones(?) song you are describing? Lots of backup horns and so on? is it the Tom Jones(?) song you are describing? Lots of backup horns and so on? "Vehicle" by Bo Bice "I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedan, won't you hop inside my car?"
That song is Vehicle,by the Ides of March, not by Blood Sweat and Tears. Written by Bo Brice.
Videla! My favorite
the song is called "These words" by Natasha Bedingfeild. It's a great song!!!
Love Cosmetic Eau de Love Perfume...
I've been despretly searching what that song is! I can't find it and I love it soooooooooooo much! I've listened to the commercial a million times! I want to know what it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo badly!!!!!!!!!!!!Sorry!!!!
The title of the song is "Vehicle," by the band The Ides of March. The lead singer is Jim Peterik, who wrote the song.
Yes,he does know we love him he can tell from heaven he's the man who can walk on water so he can tell we love him.
It feels great and almost as if you are in heaven.
It is only through love. This is the greatest commandment.
That song is Vehicle,by the Ides of March, not by Blood Sweat and Tears. Written by Bo Brice.
The angels in heaven were presumably jealous of the narrator and Annabel Lee's unrelenting love. In fact, they were so jealous they took Annabel Lee (through death) away from the narrator, leaving him without his precious love. This goes to say that the love between the two was so great and so pure, it even made the angels and heaven enviable.
How Can Heaven Love Me was created in 1995.
Heaven Without Love was created in 1959.
I Love the Heaven's Solo was created in 1991.
The author of send your love to heaven is by Spotz.
Want to know what your love ones are telling you in heaven? Ask them to give you signs and then try to search for them. Also have your eyes open to find pennies and dimes. They're soppose to be signs from heaven that they love you. Want more inspirational stories and answers look for the magazine "Women's World"!
he has a GREAT name, i love this name... WOW:-)