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A monotone or monophonic instrument is capable of only a single (one) note at a time. Woodwind and brass instruments are the most common examples (Trumpet, Flute, tuba).

Compare these to polyphonic instruments such as piano or guitar

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

one melody song like itsy bitsy spider

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Music with one tone.

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Q: What is monotone music?
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What is a sentence with monotone in it?

The professor spoke in a monotone voice during the lecture, making it difficult for the students to stay engaged.

What is the term given in music to an instrumental lament praising the dead?

That is a 'dirge', 'requiem' or 'coronach'

What sentence can be use with the word monotone?

She had a monotone voice.

How can the word monotone be used in a sentence?

the word monotone can be used in a sentece like this: "i dont know what monotone means"

What s the meaning of monotone?

It means a single solid unemotional tone in one's voice or in the music, etc. Never changing.

What is the part of speech of monotone?

"Monotone" is fundamentally a noun, but in mathematics it is sometimes used as an adverb, as in the sentence, "This function is monotone increasing."

What effect do expressive elements have on music?

They make the music sound better and have real feeling, if that makes sense. Think of an instructor who teaches in a monotone versus one who really enjoys what they do and uses body language and changes in tone/pitch. If you don't have dynamics, tone, pitch, etc. in music, it's kind of like the "monotone". Having these musical elements makes the song better.

Can you write a sentence with the word monotone?

The Headmaster addressed the assembly in a monotone voice

When was Monotone - software - created?

Monotone - software - was created on 2003-04-06.

When was Monotone - Record Label - created?

Monotone - Record Label - was created in 2001.

Use monotone in a sentence?

The teacher's monotone voice made it difficult for the students to stay awake during the lecture.

How would you use monotone in sentence?

You could use the word monotone in a sentence like this: When the man spoke he was very monotone. monotone means a single tone without harmony or variation so basically it means boring.