Shepard Lin Sue Cooney's maiden name is not Shepard, it is Glass. Shepard was the last name of her 1st husband.
Lin Sue Cooney's salary is not public knowledge. As a news anchor, she most likely makes between $60,000 and $100,000 a year.
As of her birthday in 2017, Sue Ann Langdon was 81 years old (birthdate March 8, 1936).
Yutang Lin's birth name is Lin Hele.
Lin Hu died in 1960.
Lin Sue Cooney is married to Sean Cooney.
Shepard Lin Sue Cooney's maiden name is not Shepard, it is Glass. Shepard was the last name of her 1st husband.
Info on Lin Sue Cooney's first husband
Yes. Line Sue Cooney is married
Lin Sue Cooney's salary is not public knowledge. As a news anchor, she most likely makes between $60,000 and $100,000 a year.
Ruby Lin was born on January 27, 1976.
Jeremy Lin was born on August 23, 1988.
Ariel Lin was born on October 29, 1982.
Ma Lin was born on February 19, 1980.
Maya Lin was born on October 5, 1959.
Lin Biao was born on December 5, 1907.
Dai Lin was born on November 28, 1987.