

Best Answer

Aston is single

Oritse is single i think

JB is Single

Marvin is dating Rochelle Wiseman i think

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Q: What is jls girl frends names?
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What is the names of jls?

JLS's names are... Aston Marvin Oritse Jb!

Who are the people in JLS called?

The names of the people in JLS are:marvinAstonoritseJB

What is JLS MSN?

JLS have not given out MSN names, even if they do have accounts.

Do minless behavior have girl frends?

yes mb do have girlfriend

What is the jls names?

The Names Of the boys in Jls are Aston,Oriste,Jb and Marvin who has recently broke up with Rochelle from The Saturdays.

What are the names of the jls albums?

out of this world jukebox and love u more and JLS the album

How do you ask a girl out without her frends noing?

write her a note? or catch her when she isn't with them?

Tips on talking to a girl i really like?

just be urself around her , try and make just frends with her x bcoz once u ar frends build on that

What are names of jls?

Aston, Marvin, Jb and Oritse

Does Aston merrygold from jls have a girl friend?

No not at the moment :D By Biggest number 1 JLS fan

Does JLS have a girl friend?

No but Marvin Humes in Jls is with rochelle from the saturdays and jb is wiv chloe tangney

What are the names of JLS's albums in order of release?

JLS's first album was called 'JLS', their second album was called 'Outta This World' and their third album is called 'Jukebox'.