Jasper Whitlock from Twilight's gift is that he can feel and control the moods of those around him.
Before Jasper was changed he was known as Jasper Whitlock.
Jasper Warren was born in 1989.
Jasper became a vampire in 1843.
Dexter Jasper is 6' 4".
Ah, Jasper Cullen has a special gift, he can sense and manipulate the emotions of those around him. Just like a painter using different colors to create a beautiful landscape, Jasper uses his power to bring peace and harmony to those he encounters. It's a unique ability that adds a touch of warmth to the Cullen family dynamic.
Yes, Jasper Hale in the Twilight series has the ability to control the emotions of those around him through his gift of manipulating and influencing their moods.
Jasper is in Jasper county, Texas.
She receives a cottage/house from Esme,Alice,Jasper,Emmett,Rosalie and Carlisle.She also gets a Ferrari from Edward.
Jasper Watts went by Jasper.
Jasper Hale was born as Jasper Whitlock. Jackson Rathbone portrays Jasper in the Twilight film.
The address of the Jasper Free Library is: 3807 Library Street, Jasper, 14855 0053
Chris Jasper's birth name is Christopher Jasper.
Xyloid jasper is a kind of petrified wood, consisting mostly of jasper.
Jasper Hale is a fictional character in the "Twilight" series by Stephenie Meyer. His full name is Jasper Whitlock Hale.
Alice found jasper (because of her special gift of visions/second sight) and they both went to the Cullens together because Alice had seen it them go in one of her visions. Your right but, Eward were the first teenager who joined the cullens
Jasper was from 1843.