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Pink not in the girly way but the gangster way

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maybe black

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What is gregg sulkin favorite subject?

gregg sulkins favorite subject is watching movies

What color is gregg sulkins hair?

Gregg Sulkin's hair is definetly brown

What is gregg sulkins favorite food?

gregg sulkin favorite food is crumpets but in a very very certain way if you dont percise it for him he does not like it

What is Gregg Sulkins favourite cookie?

Chocolate chips

How old is Gregg Sulkins brother?

He's 23

When is Gregg sulkins birthday?

May 29th. He was born in 1992.

What is gregg sulkins brother name?

Grant Sulkin

What does gregg sulkins penis look like?

Tall,smooth and pointy.

Who is gregg sulkins grirlfriend?

I dont know but he should totally go out with Selena Gomez. They both would make a good couple.

What is the name of gregg sulkins girlfriend?

No he is not! He has currently kissed/dated women. He has never done any of this with a man. Those of you who think he is gay are totally wrong! -Emily -Hobi

What is Gregg Sulkin's favorite drink?

his favorite drink is probably diet coke

What is gregg sulkin favorite animal?
