Fritz Pollard was born on January 27, 1894, in Rogers Park, Illinois, USA.
Devon Pollard's birth name is Devon Trevor Pollard.
Fritz Greve's birth name is Johan Fritz Greve.
Fritz is a German name for a man, the same as Gary is for a man in the English language
Asa Pollard died in 1775.
Fritz Pollard's birth name is Frederick Douglass Pollard.
Fritz Pollard was born on January 27, 1894, in Rogers Park, Illinois, USA.
About 26 years ago. Fritz Pollard should play again for the Akron Pros.
The cast of The Fritz Pollard Story - 2002 includes: Joe Morton as Host
Fritz Pollard.
brown university
Fritz Pollard.
Fritz Pollard
Fritz Pollard and Bobby Marshall --> 1920
Fritz Pollard was the first African-American coach in the National Football League. He coached the Chicago Black Hawks in the 1920s.