The final stage of succession when the plant community remains relatively stable and unchanging. at the climax, the vegetation is balance with existing environmental conditions ( ie climate & soil). The climax vegt is the most complex group of plants in an area & develops over a long period
Climax vegetation are those plants which form the stable, long term ecosystem in a given environment.
For instance in Europe after the Ice sheets melted, the ground was barren of plants. Then slowly mosses, grasses and small plants colonised the area, building up a soil humus, then more shrubby plants were able to grow and the ecosystem got richer. Finally deciduous forest trees were able to establish and the region became forested. These plants then formed the long term stable vegetation cover and are therefore called the climax vegetation. If you go further north deciduous forest gives way to evergreen pine forest as in this environment pine trees are the climax vegetation.
what is the climax of the book the three musketeers
The Climax of Twice freed is when Onesimus runs away
you face is the climax
The vegetation of Palermo is Weed
What is the Climax of Nancy's Mysterious Letter
Oak and Beech trees
The type of climax vegetation in a geographical area is most influenced by the climate and soil conditions prevalent in that area. These factors determine the types of plants that can thrive and ultimately establish the climax vegetation.
yes it is
the question on savanna grassland is not climax vegetation discuss,if answered should be sent to
"Why the African Savannah is not a climate climax vegetation?AnswerAfrican savanna is not a climatic climax vegetation,cos of anthropogenic factors such as farming,lumbering,grazing,mining. Answerit is not African Savannah because of anthropogenic factors like farming,lumbering,mining and grazing. Answerit is not African Savannah because of anthropogenic factors like farming,lumbering,mining and grazing.
Plagioclimax is a term used to describe the shift in the climax vegetation of an ecosystem due to human interference or natural disturbances. It refers to a new stable state that develops instead of the original climax community due to factors such as deforestation, grazing, or fire.
In some areas where the conditions are stable, the African savanna can be considered a climax vegetation. However, factors like fire, grazing, and climate variation can prevent the savanna from reaching a mature climax stage in many regions.
The vegetation in Mesopotamia is great!
Pest and plant control are some of the work that is associated with the vegetation control.
The climax of any written work is where the tension/thrill/drama has reached its highest point. There is a build up going towards the climax, and then a calming after the climax. Often the climax will occur near the end of the work, but not the end of the work. In Of Mice and Men the climax occurs when Lennie kills Curley's wife. Drama is built up to that point at which it is released. In Brave New World the climax occurs when The Savage is throwing Soma out of the window.
The Arctic tundra biome does not have trees as a climax community because of its cold temperatures, short growing season, and permafrost soil conditions. Instead, it is dominated by low-growing vegetation such as grasses, mosses, and lichens.